Orbits-Gravity Theory

The common denominator and corner stone that unifies the hard sciences is the orbits-gravity model. The model has been useful in explaining diverse phenomena in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and quantum physics.

By demonstrating that psychology and treatment can be framed within orbits-gravity, we not only unify the split between behavioral, cognitive, and psycho-dynamic approaches, we indicate that psychological phenomena is also within the conceptual realm of the hard sciences. 

As it turns out, the advantages of this model are significant in presenting psychology in a unified manner.  The orbits-gravity model clarifies what many of us have intuitively known - but have been unable to explain in words or images. Here we highlight 6 advantages in framing psychology within an orbits-gravity model:

a) It allows us to conceptualize a broad range of theoretical approaches under  a single unified umbrella theory. It conceptually unites all major therapy methods, including behavioral, cognitive, and psycho-dynamic approaches.  

b) All the reputable ‘hard’ sciences (astronomy, biology, chemistry, quantum physics, etc.) are known to be converging toward a ‘unified field theory.’  This convergence is based on the fact that all these sciences are expressed within an orbits-gravity dynamic. The addition of psychology to this ‘members only club’ would show a tangible bridge to indicate an overlap with the hard sciences. This would raise the psychology field’s status from a ‘pseudo-science’ to a viable scientific endeavor.

c) When trying to explain deep concepts, psychological definitions tend to be ‘abstract and complicated.’ However there is a saying that, “a picture is worth a 1000 words.” The orbits-gravity model offers an illustrated diagram to convey ideas what words alone can not fully express. As such the diagram offers an exponential model to show a depth of understanding that current gradual and linear (step-by-step) theories can not achieve.

d) The model provides a concise understanding of the ‘process of change.’  Until now, the idea of “change” depended on one’s primary orientation – whether behavioral, cognitive, or psycho-dynamic. While initially this may not seem problematic, this splintered view of what and how ‘change’ is achieved undermines day-to-day treatment when clinicians try to accomplish similar goals with conflicting agendas.

e) The model not only provides a better understanding of the process of change, it allows the clinician to hypothesize inside a scientific construct a process for exponential and spontaneous change. The model allows us to move beyond the expectation of gradual and ‘step-by-step’ progress to a viable model that supports the potential for ‘quantum change.’

f ) In addition, the ability to promote a unified model allows us to develop a unified language in which to discuss theory and treatment.

www.ParadoxPsycholgy.com  EPK Revised: 6-7-21